Secured Future?
A child from the very beginning is told that if you work hard today, will enjoy later in life. When he is in Xth standard, it is told that this is the most important exam of the life, work hard and do good in the exam. He works very hard and passes with flying colours. Now he is in XIIth standard, he finds it even more challenging stage in life. If he secures good marks now, then he is assured a secured future. So he completely indulges in the studies for this period. He burns midnight lamps, gets good marks and very relieved enters in the graduation. Similar thing happens here. Now the fight is to get the best of the jobs. He works very hard and get it. He thinks now the life is secure and enjoyable. But the story of work place is not much different. If in the beginning he does work hard and is able to impress his boss, then career prospects seem even brighter. He makes every effort to prove himself in the first few years of his career. He does over time, comes to office on weekends and holidays, make every effort to do more and more. Years pass, he is at senior position. Now he finds himself in even dire competition. He has to prove himself among equally talented colleagues, who in turn are also in the same pressure of proving themselves.
So the life goes on and the day never comes when he enjoys the life to its fullest. In the race of life to find pleasures, he finds pleasures always a step ahead. He tries even harder to catch them, but they move further ahead. The life goes on. At the end of the day he finds himself unhappy. He finds he has achieved a lot, but never got time to enjoy it. Now he realizes what he should have done, but the time is gone and he bids farewell with regret in mind.
In fact the mindset of work now and enjoy tomorrow is developed in the children by society form the very beginning. This is true that in the cut throat competition you have to work very hard to achieve your goal. But in all this we forget that life is not a goal, life is a journey. It doesn't matter how many goals you achieved, but how was your journey. We forget that in order to make tomorrow enjoyable we are wasting our today which could be enjoyed as well. This today is also equally important part of life as is tomorrow. Don't ignore it, and enjot in today. This way try to make your journey more enjoyable and fulfilling.
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