Saturday, November 18, 2006

'World sees India as tomorrow's tiger'

Read the recent interview covered by TOI with KamalNath [read here]

Following is my stand :

Apart from all the economic growth, one should not forget that the all these enticing figures are due to a selected few sectors i.e. IT, Banking n Insurance, communication and a bit real estate. Apart from this regular sectors have not shown such promise. Rest of the India can not associate it with the astounding success stories of Indian economy. In a single sentence "Development should be all inclusive."
Also one more thing is security. How Indian government can expect to attract multinational investment, when they continually fail to ensure a minimum security level, as we saw in a recent abduction case in NOIDA.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Today I was listening to a story of a person, the way he came out as a winner on a seemingly impossible mission... The last quote made by him, I would never like to forget...
"No one is the authority on your potential, you are the only one to decide how much you can achieve and what are your capabilities..." - Ben Saunders

SearchMash: Google's other search site

SearchmashlogoGoogle is newly operating a separate search site: SearchMash. It was unveiled a few days ago, has a very simple homepage (no ads) and produces roughly the same results as the main Google search. But it also displays the top three relevant images, and has a few Ajax features that let you for example click the URL of a search result to get a menu of options, drag the results to re-order them (paving the way to a possible collective refinement of the search), or view more results without having to move to another page.

-source: TEDBlog

Inspiring Success story: How cellphones can help developing poors

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Good Morning India

शहर की इस दौड़ में दौड़ के करना क्या है? जब यही जीना है दोस्तों तो फ़िर मरना क्या है?
पहली बारिश में ट्रेन लेट होने की फ़िक्र है भूल गये भीगते हुए टहलना क्या है?
सीरियल्स् के किर्दारों का सारा हाल है मालूम पर माँ का हाल पूछ्ने की फ़ुर्सत कहाँ है?
अब रेत पे नंगे पाँव टहलते क्यूं नहीं? 108 हैं चैनल् फ़िर दिल बहलते क्यूं नहीं?
इन्टरनैट से दुनिया के तो टच में हैं, लेकिन पडोस में कौन रहता है जानते तक नहीं.
मोबाइल, लैन्डलाइन सब की भरमार है, लेकिन जिग्ररी दोस्त तक पहुँचे ऐसे तार कहाँ हैं?
कब डूबते हुए सुरज को देखा त, याद है?कब जाना था शाम का गुज़रना क्या है?
तो दोस्तों शहर की इस दौड़ में दौड़् के करना क्या है जब् यही जीना है तो फ़िर मरना क्या है